Mastering Money Management (Telugu)

Instructor: CA Rachana Ranade

Language: Telugu

Validity Period: 365 Days

20% off
$23.00 18% GST सह
  • Mastering Money Management

Money Management is a topic that is the most neglected in our academic syllabus, whether commerce or non-commerce. Whether it is your first salary or the wealth you have accumulated over your life, all goes in vain if you don’t understand how manage that money.This course is important because you should be able to utilize your hard-earned money properly so that you don’t have to worry about the future.

This Course includes
  • Video Lectures
  • Practical Demonstrations
  • Quiz
  • Downloadable Resources
  • Zoom Sessions
  • Community
उत्पादनांची वैशिष्ट्ये
विशेषता नाव विशेषता मूल्य
live-class-included Yes

Course content

Device Requirements For Android And iOS Learners

For Windows & macOS

Windows- 8.1,10,11
Processor-2.67 GHz (dual core) or 3.5 Ghz (Single Core Processor)
RAM- 2GB or more,
Software (.Net Framework)-Microsoft .NET Framework net 4.6.2
Graphics:-NVidia/ATi/Intel Extreme Graphics with minimum 256MB Video RAM and Core Clock 600 MHz
MacOS 12 and Later

For Android Mobile & Android Tab

Android Mobile & Android tab version 8.0 and above

For iPhone/ iPad

iOS 11 or higher, using the latest release of Xcode.


Terms and Conditions:

  • You can use this product from one Android/iOS and one Windows/macOS device.
  • Please select the device first and then download the Rachana Ranade Regional App on the selected device
  • Course validity will be 365 days from the date of purchase.
  • If you want to watch the course after it's over, you'll need to buy it again.
  • This is a single screen product. It cannot be screen cast to any other device such as a projector or television.
  • Course is non-refundable.
ज्यांनी ही वस्तू खरेदी केली त्यांनी देखील खरेदी केली

टेक्निकल ॲनालिसिस

Instructor: CA Rachana Ranade

Language: Marathi

Validity Period: 365 Days

CA Rachana Ranade
$94.00 $88.00